The Wagner Genealogy and Relation

894 Names and Growing!

Person Page 376

Warren Thomas Zimmerman

M, #376


FatherJoseph Zimmerman (died 24 March 1973)
MotherCatherine Stoecklein
Pedigree Link
Warren Thomas Zimmerman


Warren Thomas Zimmerman married Sheila Mae Brull on 28 November 1959.
Warren Thomas Zimmerman had reference number 439. He was christened on 8 March 1935 in St Anthony's Church, Hays, Kansas. Was born on a farm North of Schoenchen Kansas, the 3[SUP:]rd[:SUP] oldest of seven children, 3 boys & 4 girls.

I helped with all of the farm work starting at age 5. I would feed the cattle, milk the cows, feed the chickens & hogs, gather the eggs & as I grew older, helped with the field work with the tractor & run the combine to help harvest the wheat at harvest time, which usually was in June of each year.

At age 6, I attended Schoenchen grade school taught by Catholic Nuns for 8 years. Dad took us kids to & from school each day. I attended Schoenchen High School until I graduated in 1953. After graduation, I worked on the family farm & helped neighbors & relatives with their farm work. In February of 1958 I was drafted into the United States Army when I decided to enlist into the National Guard for the 6-year program, which meant 6 months of regular Army duty & 5 ½ years of active reserve duty. I served 6 months of active duty at Ft Leonard Wood Mo & 5 ½ years of active reserve duty at the local National Guard Armory in Hays, Kansas & in Denver Colorado with required weekly meetings & drills. For approximately 17 days each summer, I went to summer camp. It varied most years as to where we were to go. My summer camp consisted of going to Camp Ripley MN, Camp Guernsey WY, & Ft Carson CO. After basic training at Ft Leonard Wood Mo. I was sent to cook school for eight weeks & eventually was assigned to be 1[SUP:]st[:SUP] cook. This is how I spent the rest of my service in the National Guard.
When I returned home from my 6-months of active duty at Ft Leonard Wood Mo. I decided to get a job outside of the family farm. I had 2 brothers & my dad working the farm so I went to work at a Construction Company in Hays Kansas. After working construction for a while, I realized on bad weather days, there was no work, so no pay. I got a job in retail sales at Western Auto Store in Hays Kansas. In the meantime, I married my wife Sheila in 1960. She was working for Southwestern Bell at that time. We decided to move to Denver Colorado where she transferred with her job. I got a job at a downtown Denver Hardware store & also at this time had to transfer to a National Guard Unit in Denver Co from Kansas to complete my National Guard Service. After having worked at the Hardware Store for some time, I changed jobs & went to work for a Tractor Trailer Co selling air brakes, power brakes, wheels, etc. for tractor trailers until I was hired on at the United States Postal Service. As a Postal clerk, I worked there for nearly 34 years until I retired on May 3[SUP:]rd[:SUP], 1999.

I am happily married & love spending time with our “2” grandchildren. They are such a joy to be around & watch them mature into young adults. I love having our daughter Jackie & my son-in-law Joe & grandchildren living close to us as they are such a huge part of our lives. Our son Kerry, lives in San Diego California with his wife Helen, we try to see them as often as time permits.

My wife Sheila & I have been married for more than 53 years & are charter members of St Jude’s Catholic Church in Lakewood Colorado.
I have been associated with farming in Kansas & Colorado most of my life, & plan to stay involved.

Bio written by Warren Zimmerman, March 5[SUP:]th[:SUP], 2013.