Warren Thomas Zimmerman
M, #376

Warren Thomas Zimmerman
Warren Thomas Zimmerman had reference number 439. He was christened on 8 March 1935 in St Anthony's Church, Hays, Kansas. Was born on a farm North of Schoenchen Kansas, the 3[SUP:]rd[:SUP] oldest of seven children, 3 boys & 4 girls.
I helped with all of the farm work starting at age 5. I would feed the cattle, milk the cows, feed the chickens & hogs, gather the eggs & as I grew older, helped with the field work with the tractor & run the combine to help harvest the wheat at harvest time, which usually was in June of each year.
At age 6, I attended Schoenchen grade school taught by Catholic Nuns for 8 years. Dad took us kids to & from school each day. I attended Schoenchen High School until I graduated in 1953. After graduation, I worked on the family farm & helped neighbors & relatives with their farm work. In February of 1958 I was drafted into the United States Army when I decided to enlist into the National Guard for the 6-year program, which meant 6 months of regular Army duty & 5 ½ years of active reserve duty. I served 6 months of active duty at Ft Leonard Wood Mo & 5 ½ years of active reserve duty at the local National Guard Armory in Hays, Kansas & in Denver Colorado with required weekly meetings & drills. For approximately 17 days each summer, I went to summer camp. It varied most years as to where we were to go. My summer camp consisted of going to Camp Ripley MN, Camp Guernsey WY, & Ft Carson CO. After basic training at Ft Leonard Wood Mo. I was sent to cook school for eight weeks & eventually was assigned to be 1[SUP:]st[:SUP] cook. This is how I spent the rest of my service in the National Guard.
When I returned home from my 6-months of active duty at Ft Leonard Wood Mo. I decided to get a job outside of the family farm. I had 2 brothers & my dad working the farm so I went to work at a Construction Company in Hays Kansas. After working construction for a while, I realized on bad weather days, there was no work, so no pay. I got a job in retail sales at Western Auto Store in Hays Kansas. In the meantime, I married my wife Sheila in 1960. She was working for Southwestern Bell at that time. We decided to move to Denver Colorado where she transferred with her job. I got a job at a downtown Denver Hardware store & also at this time had to transfer to a National Guard Unit in Denver Co from Kansas to complete my National Guard Service. After having worked at the Hardware Store for some time, I changed jobs & went to work for a Tractor Trailer Co selling air brakes, power brakes, wheels, etc. for tractor trailers until I was hired on at the United States Postal Service. As a Postal clerk, I worked there for nearly 34 years until I retired on May 3[SUP:]rd[:SUP], 1999.
I am happily married & love spending time with our “2” grandchildren. They are such a joy to be around & watch them mature into young adults. I love having our daughter Jackie & my son-in-law Joe & grandchildren living close to us as they are such a huge part of our lives. Our son Kerry, lives in San Diego California with his wife Helen, we try to see them as often as time permits.
My wife Sheila & I have been married for more than 53 years & are charter members of St Jude’s Catholic Church in Lakewood Colorado.
I have been associated with farming in Kansas & Colorado most of my life, & plan to stay involved.
Bio written by Warren Zimmerman, March 5[SUP:]th[:SUP], 2013.