The Wagner Genealogy and Relation

894 Names and Growing!

Person Page 462

Virginia Dumouchel

F, #462, born April 18, 1821, died November 13, 1909


FatherIgnace Dumouchel (born 25 November 1791, died 11 December 1876)
MotherFelicite Garaed (died 1822)
Pedigree Link

Family: Isidore Poirier (born 24 July 1810, died 3 December 1897)

SonArthur Poirier
SonEdward Poirier
DaughterEulalie Poirier+
DaughterEmilie Poirier
SonArthur Poirier
SonEdmond Poirier+ (died 23 August 1926)
DaughterElvina Virginia Poirier+ (born 5 March 1857, died 31 May 1927)
Virginia Dumouchel
Virginia Dumouchel


Virginia Dumouchel was born on 18 April 1821 in Belle Revieres, Canada. She married Isidore Poirier on 9 September 1845. She died on 13 November 1909 in Milwaukie, WI.
Virginia Dumouchel had reference number 518. She was christened in St. Benoit. Death may have been in Nov. She was buried from Jisu? Church and placed in Holy Cross Cemetery. Note: Belle Revier is a town between St. Benoit and Eustachel Virginia and Alfred were twins, born in their house (built in 1810). Her half-brothers, the twins Edward and Arthur, the musicians, played for a famous singer and player "Theresa Albany" of France, London and Canada. (Her history is in the
encyclopedia of 1850). Virginia was raised in Regaud, Quebec, Canada, by her Aunt and Uncle. After her marriage
to Isidore Poirier, her family disowned her, considering the marriage beneath them, although her half-brothers, the
twins, sent money every three or four months, as they figured it was her's anyway. (This was transcribed Feb. 3, 1990 by Jack Wagner "Mary Hoffman Wagner", from a very poor copy of notes. She was a twin to Alfred.