The Wagner Genealogy and Relation

894 Names and Growing!

Person Page 852

Anna Giebler

F, #852, born May 17, 1882, died May 16, 1925
Pedigree Link

Family: John Michael Miller (born 8 August 1882, died 16 June 1963)

SonJacob Miller
DaughterLidwina Miller
SonBenedict Miller
SonRobert Miller
DaughterAlberta Miller
DaughterCelestine Miller
DaughterIrene Miller
DaughterRita Miller
SonAlfred Miller
DaughterBarbara Pauline Miller+ (born 9 September 1911)
Anna Giebler


Anna Giebler was born on 17 May 1882 in Obermonjou, Russia. She married John Michael Miller. She died on 16 May 1925.